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How To Read The Prescription When Buying VR Prescription Lenses Insert

by VOY Glasses 23 Jan 2024

How To Read The Prescription When Buying VR Prescription Lenses Insert

In the world of virtual reality, getting the most out of your experience can be a challenge if you wear prescription glasses. This is where VR prescription lenses insert come into play. The process of selecting the right prescription can be perplexing, so we've crafted a concise guide to help you understand the basics of reading your prescription, empowering you to confidently choose the perfect VR lens inserts for the ultimate VR experience. 

Understanding Lens Power in VR Prescriptions Lenses

When it comes to VR prescriptions lenses, understanding lens power involves translating your regular eyeglass prescription into a format suitable for virtual reality. VR lenses typically come in powers ranging from -2.00 D to +4.00 D.

Spherical lenses are built with a uniform curvature and are used to treat near and far-sightedness. Aspheric lenses have a more complex structure and are designed to correct astigmatism. If your prescription bears a plus sign, it signifies farsightedness, while a minus sign indicates nearsightedness. This numerical value specifies the degree of correction required.

How to read your VR prescription lenses

Here are some other important terms to understand your VR prescription lenses with more depth:

  1. SPH stands for spherical lenses and determines whether you have myopia or hypermetropia. The term PL in this context stands for plano, implying that the eye has no refractive error. So if your prescription includes PL in the SPH section, it means your eye requires no correction for either hypermetropia or myopia.
  2. Decoding Cylinder and Axis Values: CYL refers to cylinder and displays astigmatism if it is present. The axis shows the angle of your lens’s cylindrical power. DS in this context refers to diopter sphere, and is the same as plano, indicating no astigmatism.
  3. Grasping the Significance of Add Power: ADD is used in bifocal, trifocal, and progressive lenses. The Near Add is used for close-range, and the Intermediate Add is used for mid-range distances. VR headsets usually have projected focal ranges of 1.2 to 1.8 meters.
  4. The term prism is simply used when your health care practitioner thinks that compensation for eye alignment is a necessity, as both eyes have a hard time functioning together.

Measuring Your Pupillary Distance (PD)

The most important measurement of all of these is your Pupillary Distance (PD). It is the distance between your pupils, and it needs to be as accurate as possible as it determines your scope of view. If your PD isn’t right, your eyes can strain and fatigue easily, especially if you already have prescription glasses.

You can measure your PD by yourself! Simply align a ruler beneath your left pupil, placing the 0 at its exact position. Now maintain a straight gaze and measure the distance from your left pupil to your right pupil. To ensure accurate alignment, close your left eye immediately after setting the 0 point.

Next Step: Acquiring Tunable VR Lenses Insert!:

Don't let your prescription glasses limit your VR experience any longer. If you want to optimize your virtual reality encounters, VOY's tunable VR lenses insert offer the ideal solution! These inserts cater to your individual vision needs, capable of adjusting and fine-tuning what you see, independently for each eye. It's akin to providing custom prescriptions for your eyes but tailored specifically for the virtual world. Whether you're nearsighted, farsighted, or somewhere in between, VR lenses ensure that virtual reality is not just as clear, but more than reality itself. 

Moreover, you don’t have to be locked forever. Fluctuations in vision due to eye strain are normal. This is why VOY’s VR lenses insert allow for the precise tuning of lenses to adjust to your changing requirements. This also allows for multiple users to enjoy the same headset without several purchases of fixed vr prescription lenses insert. Cost-effectiveness at its best!

Another reason to choose VOY is our commitment to eye health. We recognize the importance of safeguarding your eyes from prolonged exposure to blue light. VOY's VR lenses insert come equipped with advanced blue light protection, reducing the potential adverse effects of extended screen time, such as digital eye strain and disrupted sleep patterns. 

Take your VR encounters to the next level with precision, flexibility, and the assurance of eye care – choose VOY today!

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